Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Sidebar

A lot of people want to make money from their blog and for this reason want to learn how to insert affiliate banners into their Blogger Blogspot blog. In this Blogger tutorial which is the first of a series I will show you how to place a banner in the sidebar of your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog).

Even if you are new to Blogger and have very little technical knowledge this tutorial is still suitable for you as I will guide you through every step in the process of adding a banner ad to the sidebar of your Blogger blog.

Banner Advertising is an Effective Way to Make Money from a Blogger Blog - Here is a cluster of 3 125x125 banner ads
How to Add an Affiliate Banner To the Sidebar of Your Blog
It is relatively easy to add an affiliate banner to the sidebar of your blog.

1. Sign up with an affiliate marketing program like Commission Junction and select your merchant

2. Decide on the size of the merchant banner or banners you wish to display in your sidebar making sure that whatever you choose will fit into the sidebar space otherwise your banner ad may not display properly on your blog. Typical sizes suitable for sidebars are:
  • small rectangular banners 125x90 or 125x125
  • square banners 200x200 (if space allows)
  • short vertical banners 120x200
  • long column style skyscraper bnnners 120x600 or 160x600

3. Choose your banner and you will be presented with the merchant code to display the banner. Right click to select all and right click again to copy the code to the clipboard of your computer

4. In a new window login to Blogger and navigate to Design > Page Elements

5. Click on Add a Gadget in the sidebar. If you are using a customized template you may have 2 different sidebars so decide which you want the banner ad to display in.

6. Select HTML/Javascript widget from the Add a Gadget menu

7. Place your mouse in the content box of the Configure HTML/Javascript widget and right click. Choose paste to insert the merchant code of your banner ad into the content box 

8. In the title box add a Title like Sponsored Ads if you wish otherwise leave it blank

Paste Merchant Code of your banner ad into Configure HTML/Javascript content box
9. Click on Save

10. Using Blogger's drag and drop feature to pick up your new HTML/Javascript widget and position it where you want your banner ad to show up in your sidebar. 

11. Save your layout

12. Click on View Blog to see you new banner ad in action. 

Add Space Between Your Banner Ads
If you want more space between your banner ad and the previous widget you can add <p> before the code your inserted in the HTML/Javascript widget. If you need even more add another <p>

To Center Your Advertising Banner
If you want to center your banner ad insert <center> before the merchant code and </center> after it.

Add More Than One Banner
If you want to add more than one banner ad to the same widget you can just by pasting the code for the second banner ad below the first lot of code. If you want some white space between the banners ads insert <p> between each lot of code.


Your Banner Does Not Display
Your banner ad should appear right away. If your banner ad doesn't display at all then there is a problem with the widget you have just created. Retrace your steps making sure you have got all the code.

Only Placeholder for the Banner Displays
If you see a placeholder but no ad displays then the affiliate website may be off line or there is a problem with the code in some way. Go back and make sure you copied all of the code correctly

In this Blogger tutorial you have learned how to add an affiliate marketing advertisement banner to the sidebar of your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog) and about some common problems that you may encounter. In my next tutorials on banner advertising I will show you how to place a banner in a variety of other spots on your blog including the footer, above the first post and in the header. Why not bookmark this site so you can return easily?
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Make Money Add Banners Ads to Blogger

Make Money from Banner Ads on Your Blogger BlogOne of the things that makes Blogger such a great blogging platform is the facility to add advertising to your Blogspot blog and make money from it. In this article I will be discussing how banner advertisements on your Blogger blog can make money for you. By banner advertising I mean advertising in addition to Google Adsense or Adbrite that you may have already added to your Blogger blog. For information on adding Google Adsense to your blog please read my articles on Google Adsense.

Banner advertising is FREE. And Banners Do Make Money.
It is no secret that banners make money provided you choose your merchant program carefully and have enough traffic accessing your site. In my experience once you reach around 100 visitors a day is a good time to add a few banners to your blog.

How Do I Make Money from Banners on My Blogger Blog?
Affiliate marketing banners make money for the publisher - that's you. When you place a banner on your blog the affiliate program gives you a snippet of code to add to your template which makes the banner display and identifies you as the publisher. When a visitor clicks on a banner on your website that click is recorded as originating from your site and you make money as a result of that click. Depending on the merchant program that you have signed up for you can earn a commission for providing a lead, or receive a percentage of the sale.

An Example of How Banners Work
After having placed your banner ad on your Blogger blog your site gets 100 visitors in a day. Out of that 100 people 5 people click on a banner which takes them through to the merchant's website. From those 5 people one person makes a purchase of around $100.00. Assuming your commission is 10% of the sale you have just made yourself $10.00. It's that easy.

Making the Most Out of Advertising Banners
To make money from banner ads you need volume as only a small percentage of your visitors will take any notice of the advertising on your blog and only a much smaller percentage of that pool will actually buy anything once they click. That's why it is really important that you focus your energies on building site traffic. If you need to grow your traffic read my articles on tips to increase traffic to your Blogger blog.

Make Money from Banner Advertising on BloggerOf course you do need to choose your affiliate banners carefully as obviously some advertising will have more appeal than others. To some extent this is a matter of trial and error as you can never be completely sure how a banner will perform until you try it. You can increase the odds of success however, by choosing merchant programs that are related to your blog in some way. For instance if your blog is about cars then advertisers of car accessories like audio units would be a good place to start.

How Do I Add Affiliate Banners to My Blogger Blog?
Adding affiliate banners to your blog is pretty easy. Pretty much copy and paste stuff which anyone can do. Please read my article providing step by step instructions on how to Add Affiliate Banner Ads to the Blogger Sidebar of your Blogger blog if you are unsure. If you want to place a banner in the header of your blog please refer to Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Header

Disadvantages of Banner Ads
Too many banner ads can give your visitors the impression you are just in it for the money. So make sure you don't go overboard with too much advertising that will overshadow or detract from the content of your blog. Remember less is more so place your banners ads strategically on your blog. I like a small cluster of about 4 banner ads usually 125x125 somewhere fairly close to the top in the sidebar and a 468x60 banner in the header. The header is a prime position for an effective banner advertising campaign. Read more about how to place a banner ad in the header of your Blogger blog in my adding banners to Blogger series of tutorials.

The other main problem with banner ads is that they encourage visitors to leave your site and as we all know one of the hardest jobs is to attract the visitor in the first place. Do you really want them leaving your site before they have had a chance to look around? I don't think so. Only place banner ads on your blog that you are confident will reap you some rewards otherwise forget it. You might actually lose traffic if you provide too many inducements to leave your site.

Banner Ads Make Money

In this article I have discussed banner advertising as it relates to Blogger Blogspot blogs. You have learned a little about how affiliate programs work and how you might use banner ads on your own blog to make extra money. For tutorials on adding banner ads to your Blogger Blogspot blog please refer to Add Affiliate Banner Ads to a Blogger Sidebar and Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Header.
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Add Google Adsense to Blogger Header

In this Blogger tutorial you will learn how to add Google Adsense to the header of your Blogger blog. This article assumes no knowledge of Blogger and provides a walkthrough of the steps involved to add Google Adsense to the header of your blog.

This is the third Blogger tutorial in a series on adding Google Adsense to a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog).

Place Google Adsense Below Post Title in Blogger
Better Placement of Google Adsense on a Blogger Blog
  1. How To Add Google Adsense to the Header (Above the Title)
    If you want to add Google Adsense to your header for instance above the title you can by adjusting your template to give you the option of adding more than one widget to the header area.
    1. Login to Blogger and navigate to Design > Edit HTML
    2. Back up your template as a precaution by downloading the full template to your computer
    3. Using CTRL + F to bring up the search box find the following line of code. For default Blogger templates - Layout (2006) such as Minima, Thisaway and Sand Dollar and for many custom templates find <div id='header-wrapper'>

      For new Blogger templates such as Simple and Awesome Inc find this line <div class='region-inner header-inner'>
    4. Replace the following code in red: 
      <div id='header-wrapper'>
      <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

      <div id='header-wrapper'>
      <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>

    5. Save Template
    6. Navigate to Design > Page Elements (previously Layout > Page Elements) and view the new option to add a gadget to the header area

      Add a Gadget to the Header to insert Google Adsense
    7. Click on Add a Gadget and select the Google Adsense gadget.
    8. Choose the type of ad unit you want. For this example I chose a new linked 728x15 ad unit from the dropdown format menu for an Adsense ad that would sit above the blog title. Configure colors if necessary. Color blending is usually done automatically by Blogger according to the color schema of your template.
    9. Click Save
    10. Click View Blog to see your new Google Adsense unit in place. All going well your new ad unit should appear look something like the image below

      How to Add Google Adsense Ad Unit Above the Title in the Header of Blogger - 728x15 Linked Google Ad Unit

  2. How to Add Google Adsense to the Header (Below the Title)
    To have your new Google Adsense linked unit appear below the title the steps are the same as above. The difference is that you will need to shift the ad unit into position by using the drag and drop feature to move the widget below the header title in the Design > Page Elements page.

    Add Google Adsense gadget below blog title in Blogger
    Add Google Adsense 728x15 Ad Unit to Blogger Header Below the Title

Tips and Troubleshooting
By default Blogger will left align these ads so if you want to center the Adsense unit then use the <div align='center'>

How to Center a Google Adsense Unit in Blogger

  1. Once you have created your Google Adsense unit go to Design > Edit HTML
  2. Check the Expand Widgets Template box
  3. Find the code you replaced in Step 4
    <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes>

  4. Directly below you will see lines of code that resemble the following:
    <b:widget id='AdSense2' locked='false' title='' type='AdSense'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
    <div class='widget-content'>
    <b:include name='quickedit'/>

  5. Add the following code shown in red
    <b:widget id='AdSense2' locked='false' title='' type='AdSense'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
    <div class='widget-content'>
    <div align='center'><data:adCode/></div>
    <b:include name='quickedit'/>

  6. Save template and view your Adsense widget which will now be centered

In this Blogger tutorial you have learnt how to add a Google Adsense unit above and below the blog title in the header section of your Blogger blog (Blogspot Blog). I have also demonstrated how to center the Google Adsense unit. As always any questions please ask.
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5 Easy Ways to Make Money from Blogger

If you invest a lot of time and effort in your blog you probably want to monetize your Blogger Blogspot blog to reap some financial reward for all that hard work. In this article I explore 5 easy ways to make money from Blogger so that your blog will pay its way.

1. Advertising Programs

Google Adsense
Google Adsense is probably the best known advertising program available to Blogger webmasters since Google Adsense can easily be inserted into your blog with a couple of clicks. Google Adsense is a good choice if you are starting out and want to earn a bit of extra cash. Don't expect too much at first though or you may be very disappointed. In my experience you will probably only get about 1 click for every 200-300 impressions. Therefore you will need plenty of traffic to make Google Adsense work for you. See my tips on building site traffic if this is an area you would like to develop on your Blogger blog. For more about Google Adsense please refer to Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Myths and Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Placement

You can also add Google Adsense to your Blogger feeds giving you additional advertising opportunities. If you haven't burnt your blog's feed at Feedburner make it a priority. That way you can have Google advertising appearing in all your feeds. Please refer to my tutorials on How to Burn a Blogger feed at Feedburner and Blogger RSS Feeds and Feedburner for help on this subject.

Other Advertising Programs/Networks
There are plenty of other advertising programs to choose from if you decide against Google Adsense. Adbrite is worth considering if you are in the market for an alternative to Google Adsense. Another alternative worthy of consideration is Widget Bucks as they claim a higher CPM than Google Adsense. Linkworth offer a range of publisher choices to fit your blog and also have a generous referral program. Yet another possibility and one which I am using on my blog right now is to try out Chitika which allows you to insert ad units along with Google Adsense or Adbrite offerring even greater advertising opportunities for your Blogger blog.

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Get Chitika Premium

2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Programs are free. They provide banners you can place on your blog which when clicked on earn you revenue. Typically these programs either give you a percentage of the sale eg 5-10% or they pay a set commission per lead. Some of the largest affiliate programs are Commission Junction and Most have a referral program too whereby you can earn revenue by referring other publishers and advertisers. For example Linkshare pays $1.50 for every valid publisher (afffiliate sometimes called vendor) signup who generates a click-through to Linkshare within 30 days.


With so many good merchant programs to choose from it is easy to go a bit overboard on banner advertising. Be careful not to overuse banners as they can detract from the look and feel of your website.

3. Place a Donation Link or Button on Your Blog
Donations can bring in a few dollars depending on the generosity of your visitors and the quality of your blog. You may have seen that a number of Blogger bloggers have a donation link or button on their blog. These are equivalent to a tip jar on a counter. If a visitor particularly likes your blog or has benefited from your help in some way they may be only too happy to slip you a couple of bucks. Offerring a Paypal link on your blog is an easy and straightforward method for visitors to make a donation large or small. See my step by step Blogger tutorial on How to Add a Paypal Donate Button to Blogger

4. Sell E-Books or other Digital Media on Your Blog
One sure fired way to increase site traffic is to offer some digital product on your site that visitors are prepared to pay for. There are heaps of examples of Bloggers who have made a good return using this method such as Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind, Rob Benwell'sBlogging to the Bank 3.0 and Atomic Blogging by Alvin Phang.

Click here to watch The Conversion Blogging Video

5. Sell Advertising Space on Your Blog
If your blog is moderately successful in terms of the volume of traffic it receives you might consider selling advertising space to a company for its advertising campaign. The advertising slot can be leased on an ongoing basis or is good for a given number of impressions.

In this article I have discussed 5 easy ways to make Blogger blog pay its way. Do yourself a favor and start earning some revenue today.
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Bloggers Guide to Google Adsense Myths

I get a lot of interest in my articles about Google Adsense on Blogger Blogspot blogs. In this article I discuss 6 common myths about Google Adsense that will help you get real about placing Adsense on your Blogger blog.

Google Adsense Myths Every Blogspot Bloggers Needs to Know
There are a number of myths about Google Adsense which can lead new bloggers in particular into believing that they need only slap a few Google Ad units on their blog and they will become instant millionaires. The reality can be a lot different especially when you consider that 95% of all blogs receive less than 100 visitors per day. Adding Google Adsense to your blog can generate some income but there is a need to be realistic. Here are 6 myths about Google Adsense that every blogger needs to know:

Myth 1. Google Adsense is a Get Rich Quick SchemeGoogle Adsense is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme
False. Only a small percentage of bloggers actually make a living from their blog. It is definitely possible to make some money from Google Adsense Ad units but bear in mind that making money from your blog is commensurate with many factors such as types of advertising, placement of advertising, quality of your content, regular posting, number of articles, SEO, backlinks to your site, number of visitors to your blog to name just a few. The more articles you write, the more posts indexed in search engines like Google and Yahoo which may lead to increased traffic but not necessarily. The bottom line is that for your ads to be effective your blog needs to receive traffic so concentrate your efforts in this area and make sure that your blog is worth visiting once your visitors get there.

Do Your Sums
As Google Adsense itself says it is difficult to predict earnings however there are some general pointers to guide you. For instance if your blog receives 100 visits per day your likely revenue from Google is probably about 10 cents per day assuming that 1 in 100 people click on some form of Google advertising on your site and the page CTR is about 0.20%. Over a year that equates to about $36.50. Not a fortune in anyone's book. Likewise if your blog is fortunate enough to receive 1000 visitors per day you are looking at an annual income from Google Adsense of $365.00.
100 Visitors per day = Earnings $36.50 per year

1000 Visitors per day = Earnings $365.00 per year

5000 Visitors per day = Earnings $1825.00 per year

10000 Visitors per day = Earnings $3650.00 per year

The above figures are an optimistic view. I have not allowed for the fact that many of your visitors will be repeats so the likelihood of a repeat visitor clicking on an ad unit is less than for that of a new visitor. On this basis your earnings could be much less.

Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing
About 95% of Bloggers would have less than 100 visitors to their blog a day. If your blog is in this category then Google Adsense alone will not allow you to quit your job and become a full-time blogger. You will need to display other forms of advertising on your blog as well before your blog will start to pay. Check out my article on other forms of advertising that may be suitable for your Blogger blog including displaying Affiliate Marketing banners.

Affiliate marketing banners can work as a form of advertising. Consider that if 1 site visitor in 100 actually buys something worth $50.00 you will immediately earn $5.00 assuming you receive 10% of the sale as a commission. Even if only one in 500 clicks through to the merchant and buys something you will still be ahead of the revenue earned from Google ads for the same number of visitors. $5.00 from Affiliate Marketing versus 50 cents from Google Adsense. In many ways Affiliate Marketing is a more profitable marketing strategy than having heaps of Google ads on your blog. However, in my experience a good mix of both is the way to go

Myth 2. Displaying More Ads on My Blog Will Earn More Money
False. Some bloggers mistakenly believe that placing more Google Adsense units on their blog will yield higher earnings. Sadly this isn't the case at all. By putting more Ad units on your blog you may actually reduce your earnings. There is a risk that the highest performing Ad units will shift to positions that are less frequently clicked on. For instance while the top right hand corner is a prime place for an advertising banner because it gets viewed by the most eyeballs it is also a spot that tends to get disregarded by savvy visitors who recognise it as an advertising zone and avoid it. At the same time a 336x280 Ad unit with a higher CTR is likely to display Google Ad units which pay less because the highest CTR has been transferred to the 468x60 Ad unit.

Myth 3. More Traffic Equates to Higher Google Adsense Earnings 
Not necessarily. Depending on your blog's content it might not always be possible to drive a lot of new visitors to your blog and you rely more heavily on your repeat traffic. However, due to the familiarity of the ad placement on your blog repeat visitors are less likely to click on your Ad units than new visitors. While you can expect more clicks on your ad units as traffic increases there is no guarantee that Google Adsense on your blog will deliver the kind of earnings you might expect.

Myth 4. The Ad Format of Google Adsense Ads is Not Important
False. The ad format you display on your blog is very important. You can earn more from some ad formats than others. For instance it is generally considered that the wide Google Adsense ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250) perform best. I like to position one of these directly above my first post.

Link units can be profitable too if strategically placed. One of the best locations for link units is in or just below your blog header as many people are used to looking there for a navigation menu. A 728x15 linked ad unit just below your horizontal navigation menu will very likely yield good results.

Myth 5. Placement of Google Adsense Ad Units Doesn't Matter
On the contrary where you place Google Adsense can be critical to earning revenue from your blog. One of the best places to position Adsense is above what's known as the fold. The fold is the top area of your blog visible to your visitors without them having to scroll down. A 336x280 ad unit in this space works well because on arrival at your blog the visitor sees what they are looking for and clicks on it. For instance if your blog is about mountain biking then Google Adsense will very likely serve up ads about cycling equipment, cycling tours etc. For the visitor seeing exactly what they are interested in on arrival is a definite bonus which may lead them to click on your Ad unit.

Myth 6. To Make Money from My Blog I Need to Add Google Adsense 
False. While Google Adsense is by far the most popular Advertising Network it is not the only advertising option. There are some good alternatives like AdBrite and Chitika. Let the type of blog you have govern your decisions around which advertising mix you employ rather than just going for Google Adsense because its the easiest.

In this article I have explored 6 common myths about Google Adsense that every Blogger Blogspot blogger needs to be aware of when placing Google Adsense on their blog. This article will hopefully help you do a reality check and help you recognise that while you may be one of the 5% of bloggers sitting on a goldmine Google Adsense won't transform you into a millionaire overnight.

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Add an Affiliate Banner to a Blogger Header

If your intention is to make money from your blog chances are you will want to add an affiliate marketing banner to your Blogger Blogspot header. Doubtless you have seen plenty of websites sporting advertising banners which are creating revenue for the author by way of banner clicks. With a small amount of tweaking to your Blogger template you too will be in a position to boost the revenue earning capacity of your Blogger blog.

Add a Banner to Blogger Header - Sand Dollar Header with Affiliate Banner Ad
Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Header
There are a variety of good places for a banner but the header of a blog is by far the most prominent area. Unfortunately Blogger does not have an easy facility for inserting an advertising banner into your Blogger header. To manage this issue you have two choices:
1. Use a custom template that comes banner ready. (There are a number of templates out there with this feature built-in)

2. Or customize your existing standard Blogger template.

This article focuses on choice 2 - how to go about manually editing your template to add an affiliate banner ad. By the end of this tutorial you will have the necessary knowledge and know how to insert a banner into the header of your Blogger blog. The level of difficulty for the additions I am proposing I have rated as easy to intermediate. You will be adding a snippet of code to your template plus pasting in the affiliate marketing banner code

For the purposes of this example I will be using a 468x60 banner. I have tested this method of banner insertion on the following standard Blogger templates: 

Son of Moto
Sand Dollar

It will also work on custom templates that don't already come with an advertising banner in the header built in.

How to Insert an Affliate Marketing Banner into a Blogger Blog

1. Login to and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML page of your blog

2. On the Edit HTML page you will see the option to back up your template by downloading it to your system. I strongly advise that you take this opportunity to backup as you are about to make a change to your template where if something goes wrong you may not be able to restore it.

3. Once you have backed up your template place a check in theExpand Widget Templates box 

4. Search your template and locate the following lines of code within the header section of the template:(note you can search by using CTRL + F and entering <b:includable id='main'> into the search box

<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:useImage'>

5. Now insert the following 2 lines of code directly below <b:includable id='main'> and before <b:if cond='data:useImage'>

<div class='ads'>

6. Place your merchant affiliate code between the lines of code you just inserted. You will need to copy the code from the affiliate program provider to your template. If you are yet to sign up for an advertising program such as Linkshare you will need to do so before you proceed. Alternatively you could use my banner code in the meantime to test this banner and later substitute it for your own.



7. Review the code you have entered. If you have followed the steps above you will now have code that resembles this. (Your affiliate code will of course be different):

<b:includable id='main'>
<div class='ads'>

<a href='' target='_blank'><img align='right' border='0' height='60' src='' width='468'/></a>

<b:if cond='data:useImage'>

8. When you are sure you have correctly inserted the code into the template scroll up until you find this line in your template ]]></b:skin>

9. Immediately before this line add the following lines:

/* Header Banner
----------------------------------------------- */
#header .ads{width:480px; height:80px; float:right; padding:20px 0px 0px 0px}

10. Click on Save Template

11. Click on View Blog to view your new banner.


  • If you need to change the alignment or padding around the banner to your own specifications you will need to change the CSS stylesheet code entered in Step 9 
  • You can change the alignment of the banner by changingfloat:right; to float:left; if you would like your banner to left align. 
  • If you change your template for another standard Blogger template you may need to re-enter the code in Step 9.

In this tutorial you have learned to how to insert a 468x60 affiliate marketing banner into the header of your Blogger Blogspot blog and will now be on your way to earning revenue from multiple income streams. Well done!!!
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Guide to Blogger Blogspot FAQs

Guide to Blogger Blogspot FAQs. When you are looking for help with Blogger Blogspot you want to get that help as fast as possible that's why I have created a list of the most commonly asked questions by visitors to my blog. Use this post as a ready resource for all your frequently asked questions about blogging using the Blogger Blogspot blogging platform.

Banners and Advertising
Building Site Traffic
Common Blogger Problems Fixes
Customize Blogger
Gadgetize Blogger
Google Adsense
Monetize Blogger
Posting and Commenting
Publicize Blogger
Search Engine Optimisation
Social Media
Tracking Site Visitors

Banners and Advertising FAQ
Where can I post a banner on Blogger Blogspot?
It is possible to add an affiliate banner to Blogger in a number of places. You can add a banner to the Blogger, above the header, above the first post, within a post, below a post, in a sidebar, and in a footer.

How do I place an advertising banner in a Blogger header?
Add an Affiliate Banner to the Blogger Header

How do I place an advertising banner in a Blogger sidebar?
Add an Affiliate Banner to Blogger Sidebar

How do I place an advertising banner above the Blogger header?
Add Google Adsense or banner above the Blogger header

Build Site Traffic
How do I encourage more visitors to my blog?
Find 10 hot tips to help you get visitors to your Blogger Blogspot blog
10 Tips to Build Traffic to a Blogspot Blog

Why do I need to add my blog to blog directories? 
It is not essential to add your Blogger blog to blog direcories but it is a good idea since they are a valuable link and a ready source of traffic for your blog and Submit a Blogger Blog to Blog Directories

What blog directories should I add my blog to?
There are many blog directories on the net and more springing up all the time. For some recommended blog directories check out this article:
Submit a Blogger Blog to Blog Directories

Common Blogger Problem Fixes
How do I remove the navbar from Blogger?
You can't actually remove the Blogger navbar but there is a trick to hide it.
Hide Remove Blogger Navbar

How do I reinstate a deleted Blogger navbar? 
I am often asked how to fix a deleted Blogger navbar. Find the solution in:
Hide Remove Blogger Navbar

How do I fix the missing comments form below posts? 
Many custom templates were created prior to Blogger embedding the comments form below posts. For details on how to upgrade your Blogger template to include an embedded comments form below posts on the single post page please refer to:
Add Missing Embedded Comments Form to Blogger

How do I fix the missing add a gadget in the layout screen?
If you can no longer see Add a Gadget in Layout > Page Elements then there is very likely a problem with your browser cache. Check out:
Missing Add a Gadget Solution in Blogger

Customize Blogger
How do I add categories to Blogger?
Blogger doesn't have categories only labels. If you want to add a categories section you can using a linked list but you will need to update it manually.
Add a Categories Section to Blogger

How do I add a list of recent posts to Blogger?
By making use of your blog's feed you can display the 5 most recent posts on your blog. 
Add a Recent Posts Feed to Blogger

How do I display a list of recent comments on Blogger?
By making use of your blog's feed you can display the 5 most recent comments on your blog. 
Add a Recent Comments Feed to Blogger

Gadgetize Blogger
How do I add a Live Traffic feed to my blogger Blogspot blog?
If you insert a free live traffic feed like Feedjit on your blog you will be able to watch visitors arrive at your blog in real time and gather information about where they came from, where they exited to, eearch engine keywords and keyword phrases used to access your blog.
Add Feedjit Live Traffic Feed to Blogger 

How do I add a ratings widget to Blogger?
If you've seen star ratings on blogs you've visited lately and you would like to add one to your blog check out my article on the Outbrain ratings widget:
Add Outbrain Ratings Widget to Blogger

How do I add a bookmarking button to my blog?
Your visitors can share your posts with friends and add an online bookmark with an Add This Social Bookmarking button
Add a Social Bookmarking Button to Blogger

How can visitors subscribe to my blog?
You can encourage readers to sign up to regular updates of your blog by adding a subscribe button or link to your blog. 
Add an Email Subscription Form and Links to Blogger Blogspot Blog

Google Adsense FAQ
Can I put Google Adsense on my Blogger Blogspot blog?
Yes you most certainly can. Unlike other online blogging platforms like Wordpress Blogger permits Blogger publishers to add Google Adsense to any Blogger blog. However be aware that spam blogs - that is blogs specifically set up to make money from Google Adsense are prohibited by Blogger. 

How much money can I make from Google Adsense?
If your blog receives enough traffic (75+ visitors per day) you will be well placed to earn revenue from your Blogger Blogspot blog. Want to know more refer to:
Google Adsense Myths for Blogger Blogs

How Many Google Adsense Ad Units Can I Place on a Blogger Blog?
Google allows 3 content ads, 3 link ads and 2 search boxes on any given page. These rules are subject to change so if in doubt check Google Adsense FAQ.

How do I add Google Adsense to Blogger?
You will find many tips on the basics of adding Google Adsense to Blogger in this article: 
Google Adsense Tips for Blogger

Where should I place Google Adsense on Blogger?
Better Placement of Google Adsense on Blogger
Blogger Guide to Google Adsense Placement

Monetize Blogger
How do I add a donate button?
Adding a Paypal donate button to a Blogger Blogspot blog will encourage satisfied visitors to say thanks. 
Add a Paypal Donate Button to Blogger

How do I make money from my Blogger blog?
5 Easy Ways to Make Money from a Blogger blog

Posting and Commenting in Blogger
Why do the links to my post titles get shortened?
When you publish an article in Blogger a permalink gets created. If the title of your post is longer than about 35-40 characters Blogger shortens it. Check out this article for ideas on how to work around this issue
How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks 

How do I post date my posts?
Blogger allows publishers to post date their posts. Read the following article to find out more about how to set a future publishing date for a post
Choose Your Own Blogger Post Date

How do I date my posts with a date that has already passed?
Blogger will let you set a date for a post in the past, present or future. Find out more by reading the following article:
Choose Your Own Blogger Post Date

Publicize Blogger
Why is it important to burn my Blogger feed?
there are quite a few reasons reasons why it is a good idea to burn your Blogger Blogspot feed at Feedburner check out this article to find out more:
Blogger RSS Feeds and Feedburner

How do I burn my Blogger feed at Feedburner?
If you would like to burn your Blogger feed at Feedburner to build readership of your blog then this indepth article will show you how:
Burn Blogger RSS Feeds at Feedburner

How do I add a FeedFlare to a Blogger feed? 
Not only will a Feedburner FeedFlare encourage your visitors to share your posts on various social media sites it will also copyright your material if you add this notice to the bottom of your posts. Learn more about Feedburner FeedFlares:
Add a Feedburner FeedFlare to a Blogger Feed

Search Engine Optimization
How do I get my Blogger Blogspot blog listed by major search engines?
If you wait for search engines to crawl your blog it may take a long time to appear in search engine results. You can speed up this process by submitting your blog and a sitemap to major search engines. Find out more:
Add Your Blog to Major Search Engines

How do I get listed by Yahoo?
For instructions on how to let Yahoo know about your blog and add a Blogger sitemap to Yahoo follow this guide:
Submit Your Blogspot Blog to Yahoo

Social Media
How do I add bookmarking button to my blog?
There are a number of ways to add social media to your blog. One easy way is add an all in one social bookmarking button by Add This.
Add a Social Bookmarking Button to Blogger

How do I add Twitter Links to Blogger?
How to Add a Twitter badge to Blogger
How to Add a Twitter Followers Counter to Blogger

Tracking Site Visitors
How do I know who is viewing my Blogger Blogspot blog?
There are a number of programs that can help you track visitors to your blog. One of the best, Google Analytics is provided free by Google. For more about Adding Google Analytics to a Blogger Blog 

What gadget lets me watch visitors as they arrive?
If you want to see visitors arrive at your Blogger Blogspot blog you can put a free Feedjit live traffic feed widget on your Blogger sidebar.
Add Feedjit Live Traffic Feed to Blogger
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